Follow Your Gut Podcast

Why is No One Talking About This? You Need to Know This About Mold

Season 2 Episode 99

Everyone knows that mold isn’t good. But there is an important part that no one’s talking about. Mold exposure is often associated with respiratory issues and allergies. But there is a missing link here.

Mold doesn’t just bam, cause allergies and skin rashes. No. Something happens inside the body when you are exposed to mold. 

This something causes inflammation and disrupts the communication within your body. So what is this something? Tune in to learn because if you you don't address it, you will never be able to fully heal. 

Links from the episode:
Explore the Women's and Children's Gut Rebalance Kits

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Sending love and wellness from my mama heart to yours,
XO - Juniper Bennett
Founder of ōNLē ORGANICS

Everyone knows that mold isn’t good. But there is an important part that no one’s talking about. Mold exposure is often associated with respiratory issues and allergies. But there is a missing link here.

Mold doesn’t just bam, cause allergies and skin rashes. No. Something happens inside the body when you are exposed to mold. 

That something causes inflammation and disrupts the communication within your body. So what is that something? It is a disruption to your microbiome.

Mold is a type of fungus that releases spores into the air that can be inhaled or ingested. When mold spores enter your body, they disrupt your gut bacteria and trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation. 

So how does mold harm your gut bacteria and why does this matter so much? First, it alters the composition of your gut bacteria. This means there becomes more bad bacteria in your gut than good bacteria. 

In addition to harming your good gut bacteria, mold produces mycotoxins— these are potent toxins that actually promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Meaning mold feeds the bad bacteria and yeast in your body. 

This is just the start though. 

70% of your immune system resides in your gut. If your gut is imbalanced, your immune system will become compromised. Combine this with the inflammation that the mold and imbalance causes and of course you develop all consuming symptoms. 

Mold also impacts various tissues throughout your body, including your gut lining. This damage compromises the integrity of your gut barrier, which allows food and toxins to leak into your bloodstream—a condition known as leaky gut syndrome.

Hopefully by this point you understand why this missing information is so important. 

When you are trying to heal from mold exposure it is really important to know all of this because most often, the gut is completely overlooked. And if you don’t heal your gut, you will not fully heal. 

Imbalances are linked to all sorts of health issues ranging from skin rashes, mood disorders and allergies to inflammatory bowel diseases, metabolic disorders, and autoimmune conditions. If you don’t address your gut when healing from mold, your body will eventually develop new symptoms as a way to ask you for help. 

So how can you cleanse mold from your body while nurturing your gut bacteria back into balance? 

First and most important is to remove yourself from the moldy environment. 

Second, you will want to cleanse. My Women’s and Children’s Gut Rebalances are designed to do exactly this. The supplement, Cleanse in the Rebalance Kits not only targets and eradicates the harmful bacteria and yeast that accompanies mold but it also directly combats the mold itself that is inside your body. 

The efficacy of Cleanse in combating mold extends beyond just your gut though. Nebulizing it with water allows for the inhalation to reach your lungs and target the mold that has been residing there and rapidly multiplying.

If you are currently exposed and are unable to get out of the moldy environment, start rebalancing and continue to do so until after you finally leave the mold. This will boost your immune system and help your body fight. 

Before I wrap up, I just want to include this for any woman or mama who has been rebalancing and you haven’t been able to fully heal, you are listening to this because deep inside you suspect mold but it all feels like too much. Unknown mold exposure is one of the few reasons why the Women's and Children’s Rebalance might not work. So when a mama comes to me saying she has done two or three back to back rebalances for her child and while their symptoms have significantly improved, they aren’t fully healed - I always ask about the possibility of mold exposure. 9 out of 10 times the mamas says yes, she has feared mold for years. She finally tests and sure enough. Mold. She continues to rebalance her family, they move, continue to rebalance until all of their symptoms go away and they heal.